Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Longing vs. Discontentment

I think, perhaps, these two things have such a fine line between them. and lately the difference between them in my life is unrecognizable.

How do you find the healthy balance of keeping your deepest longings and not becoming discontent with them? I don't know if I have met any woman who has been able to conquer this.

I think and wonder if the longings should not be there, but that can't be right, we have desires, God promises to meet them if we first delight ourselves in Him. BUT my longings turn into deep discontentment in .00001 seconds. It might even be quicker than that. So should they be there? I must admit that most of what I long for has not been met. That is hard.

Maybe my deepest longing needs to change?

Maybe my deepest longing should be Him. Him, Christ, my Savior, Redeemer, Counselor, friend..... Yes, thats it.

But how? its harder than it sounds. It shouldn't be hard at all. He is beautiful and wonderful.

I believe Lord, help my unbelief.....


Anonymous said...

I'm reading this book that talks about surrendering our thoughts to the Lord. I notice that when I start thinking about something, I can let myself get carried away and start to play things out over and over in my mind. I think that is what she (Beth Moore) is talking about -- not letting our thoughts control us, but surrendering them to Christ. I don't really know if that helps at all, but I hope so. Amy M.

Merea said...

Thanks Amy. Taking every thought captive in Christ is something that has been a challenge for me. I appreciate your thoughts. Is this Amy Miller? i work with an Amy M and just am making sure. =)

s said...

Merea you never cease to encourage and challenge me with your heart and life. Thank you.

janelle said...

thanks for sharing merea. you are such an encouragement to me, even when it's simply your thoughts on a blog. thanks!