Saturday, April 26, 2008

What is Beauty?

So my sister Hannah is amazing. She wrote this poem for me on my birthday and I thought I would share it with you all.

BEAUTY by Hannah Price

Beauty is within the purity of your heart
It is within the wisdom of your mind
Beauty is within the willingness of your spirit
It is within the gentleness of your actions.

Beauty is not relative to the culture.
It is not to be compared with others.
Beauty is not within external features.
It is not polished or contrived.

Beauty is seen in the glory radiating on Your face.
It is shown through your skillful singing.
Beauty is exemplified in your character.
It is your well-lived life in His grace.

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30

Hannah, thanks for your heartfelt words. They speak to all of the world. You are an inspiration to me always. I love you.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

27 Birthdays

I have the greatest job in the entire world. and this year God has blessed me with a very special class. I get to teach one class of Freshman Bible. On my birthday I arrived at school and this class had secretly made shirts with my picture on them, planned a surprise party, gave me presents, and made me a beautiful cake. This class is so special to me, we laugh and pray and learn together and I adore every single one of them. Thank you Bible class for being the most wonderful class a teacher could ever ask for. I pray that God will build a passion in your heart for loving others as you have so faithfully loved me. Here are some photos of the day.