Wednesday, February 17, 2010

If only....

If us girls spent the same amount of time thinking about how to walk in righteousness as we do what we look like....

If our fear of getting spiritually complacent matched our fear of gaining weight...

If our detest for ugliness became a detest for sin....

If our desire for a man became dim in light of THE SON OF MAN....

If the desire to be successful in other's eyes became a desire to love others unconditionally....

If we were more concerned about being kind than being talented....

If we understood forgiveness....

If we stopped thinking about ourselves....

If we hoped instead of worried....

If only....


walter said...

This is beautiful!

Viajar barato a Argentina said...

En estos dias solicite Prestamos Personales para poder salir y darme todos los gustos con alguien que conoci a traves de Ligaligo y una de las actividades que pudimos disfrutar juntos fue las Clases de te que recibimos en Barcelona. Hermoso!!!

Unknown said...

good . but our post is update .
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